Friday, March 12, 2010

Inner conscience

my body was sunnned
on a day bright and sky azure
and my skin colour hued
as the rays striked the divine floor
and then suffused in the air so pure

felt as i heard sacred bells' ting
never had seen so bright a thing
seemed had landed some signs heavenly
or any crucified sin conspicuously

at that picture so exotic
like life in shadows so enigmatic
my mind flooded with mysticism
only then vaguely i heard my criticism
stunnned i turned behind and stood
to see but alas! nothing i could

forehead perspired fists clenched
irascible my body trembled
thrilled with agony
i ran like a hound
to find reason but only
with nothing found
tired i fell on ground
lost my sense in belligerence
but the light so bright and intense
i could even feel behind my eyelids
like husk is removed off seeds
my soul got cleansed
off my wrong deeds.


  1. seriously wat an imagination..hats off words to speak out..

  2. really nice thoughts,strong deepness is word to say.keep it up.

  3. thanx deepshikha and gita .... :D :)

  4. nice composition, hope your soul finally got cleansed :P
    Kudos to you on your first fantabulous and splendid post

  5. really u proved in d 1st post dat u have a high standard of imagination....solid hai boss.

  6. awesome....impressive i must say....keep it up patna

  7. great one..keep blogging :)

  8. really, very nice.... good work and a very wide imagination supriya..... keep writing/composing...
    wish u!!!!

  9. nice way to start n brilliant imagination..... keep going ... :)

  10. Nice composition of brilliant, intense imagination in words #touched
